Support the Legacy of Avatar Adi Da Samraj through Patronage

Avatar Adi Da Samraj lived his entire human lifetime for a single purpose—to give his gifts of Divine Revelation and Transcendental Spiritual Blessing to all beings. Making a charitable donation will help guarantee that his legacy is made fully available to the present generation and all future generations of human beings. That legacy is one of Avatar Adi Da’s principal means of perpetually working to Bless and Liberate all beings.

This website will guide you through the steps and options for making gifts of patronage to support the preservation and the perpetual availability of Avatar Adi Da’s legacy. Such patronage may take the form of immediate gifts (donations given immediately, in present time) or of planned giving (future donations, given by designating one or more Adidam organizations as beneficiaries in your will, trust, or other planned-giving instrument). Such gifts of patronage support the work of the organizations established for the purpose of preserving Avatar Adi Da’s legacy and making it globally available.

This video gives a short overview on how to use this website

Opportunity to keep your gifting simple:  Make a planned gift (a bequest) or make an immediate gift to the Adidam Ruchiradam Fund. This fund supports all areas of Avatar Adi Da’s Work, in accordance with the principles and priorities he provided.

Forms of Agency

Adi Da Samraj described his lifetime-work as the establishment of Forms of Agency that could exist and function in perpetuity:


What I am establishing during this physical lifetime are conditions and processes, institutional realities, an elaborated teaching, revelatory works of literature and art, an order of authority, and so forth—all of which will serve as the Instrumental means and the modes of Agency required when I am no longer physically active in bodily form.
—Avatar Adi Da Samraj

Modes (or Forms) of Agency are the means created by Adi Da Samraj during his lifetime by which he will perpetually communicate his gifts of Revelation and Blessing:

  • Adi Da Samrajashram (the Island of Naitauba in Fiji), Avatar Adi Da’s principal Hermitage and place of world-Blessing
  • The four Hermitages and Sanctuaries empowered by Avatar Adi Da in the United States
  • The photographic and audio-visual recordings of Avatar Adi Da made during his lifetime
  • Avatar Adi Da’s books of spiritual and practical instruction, his works of literature, and his artworks
  • The story (or Leela) of Avatar Adi Da’s human lifetime and his eternal presence
  • Sacred artifacts empowered by Avatar Adi Da during his lifetime.

Instrumentality and Agency Are Absolutely Essential Means That I Use (and Will Always Use, Even Beyond The Physical Lifetime Of My Divinely-Avatarically-Born Bodily Human Divine Form). My Instruments and Agents Are Concrete Parts Of The Universal Grid That I Use (and Will Always Use) In My Divine Avataric Transcendental Spiritual Blessing-Work.
—Avatar Adi Da Samraj

Supporting the Organizational Entities Established by Avatar Adi Da Samraj

During his lifetime, Adi Da Samraj established two organizational entities—the Adidam Holy Samrajya and the Adidam Holy Domains—to provide perpetual care for, and protection and preservation of, his Forms of Agency. These organizations are entirely supported through gifts of patronage. For Avatar Adi Da’s devotees, supporting the perpetuation of his Forms of Agency is the highest sacred priority. For all other supporters of Avatar Adi Da’s work, such giving is a highly honorable gesture.

The Adi Da Foundation was established to serve the worldwide recognition and reception of Adi Da Samraj and his unparalleled wisdom and art, as means for changing the way people understand and participate in Reality and Truth, thereby serving the transformation of human culture and humankind. The Adi Da Foundation is a non-profit public charity supported through gifts of patronage, grants, and income generated by its own activities.

Avatar Adi Da established the Adidam Holy Institution, the “Bright”-House Adidam, and regional organizations of Adidam to provide cultural, religious, and educational services to practitioners of the Reality-Way of Adidam, to conduct the worldwide mission of Adidam, and to serve the cooperative culture of practitioners of the Reality-Way of Adidam. Although these organizations are supported primarily through income generated by their own activities, gifts of patronage are always welcome.

Make a Gift to Support the Work of Avatar Adi Da Samraj

Choose from a variety of planned gifting opportunities to support and endow the Work of Avatar Adi Da Samraj in the future. Readmore…

Choose from a variety of opportunities for immediate gifting to support the Work of Avatar Adi Da Samraj. Read more…

More Information on Gifting