Make a Planned Gift

By including Adidam as beneficiary in your will, trust, or other planned-giving instrument, you help to support all areas of Avatar Adi Da’s Work. This page guides you through a three-step process to complete a planned gift in support of the His Work.

Step I

Decide Your Planned Giving Approach

First, decide how and when you would like to make a planned gift.

A variety of instruments can be used for planned giving: wills, living trusts, charitable trusts, life insurance policies, pay-on-death accounts, retirement plans, and so on. In each case, you can designate one or more organizational entities as beneficiaries of your charitable gifts. Visit the Sacred Organizations page for more details on the sacred organizational entities established by Avatar Adi Da Samraj. Contact the Samrajya Patronage Development Office for further information about planned giving options in other countries.

Make an inventory of the assets that will comprise your estate. A variety of assets can be donated as planned gifts to support the Work of Avatar Adi Da Samraj, such as cash and liquid securities. Other assets—such as real property, art, or collectibles, as well as intangible assets such as copyrights, patents, or royalties—constitute special types of gifts. Please study the Gift Acceptance Guidelines and contact the Samrajya Patronage Development Office if you have a special type of gift.

Please consult with your financial and legal specialists to understand your planned giving options and to determine the best approach for your situation.

Step II

Decide the Recipients of Your Planned Gifts

Second, decide which aspect(s) of the legacy of Avatar Adi Da Samraj you would like to contribute to. You can make a bequest of any amount to one or more of the Adidam organizational entities, and designate more than one entity as beneficiary. Step III provides the formal names, addresses, and tax identification numbers for all the Adidam organizational entities.

Gifts that can be allocated to purposes whose needs are greatest are especially appreciated. The Adidam Ruchiradam Fund and Adidam Ruchiradam Endowment* are “umbrella” funds whose purpose is to support all areas of Avatar Adi Da’s Work.

*The endowment assets are kept invested while the investment income is available for use. This allows for the donation to have an impact over a longer period than if it were used all at once.

The table below provides a list of planned-giving opportunities.

Contribute To

Your Gift Will Be Used To Support

Adidam Ruchiradam Fund

A general-purpose fund to support all areas of Avatar Adi Da’s Work. Read more…

Adidam Ruchiradam Endowment

An endowment to support all areas of Avatar Adi Da’s Work in perpetuity. Read more…

Adidam Ruchiradam Property LLC

A LLC to receive real estate to support all areas of Avatar Adi Da’s Work. Read more…

Adidam Holy Samrajya

All areas of the Adidam Holy Samrajya, such as care, self-sufficiency, development and glorification of Adi Da Samrajashram Hermitage-Ashram, care and support of the services of the Ruchira Sannyasin Order, support of Samrajya servers on Naitauba, protection of intellectual property rights (e.g. Adi Da’s Word, Image-Art, and Recordings), as well as other purposes within the Adidam Holy Samrajya.

Adidam Holy Domains

All areas of the Adidam Holy Domains, such as care and development of the hermitages and sanctuaries in the US, the perpetual preservation of the Adidam Sacred Archives, Art Collections, and Library, and the care and development of Da Fear-No-More Zoo and the Sacred Camel herd.

Adi Da Foundation

All areas of the Adi Da Foundation to further the World-Work of Adi Da Samraj, including high-level advocacy and activities related to the Adi Da Institute, Da Peace, Da Plastique, and Da Orpheum.

Adidam Holy Institution

All areas of the Adidam Holy Institution, including the Dawn Horse Press, the Adidam Mission, Adidam Cultural Services, Adidam Academy, and Laughing Man Institute.

Step III
Prepare Your Planned Giving Documents

Third, prepare your planned-giving documents.

The table below provides essential information to include in your planned giving documents in support of the various Adidam organizational entities. We recommend registering copies of your planned-giving documents and contact information with the Adidam Samrajya Patronage Development Office.

Suggested language to include in your planned-giving documents for a specific gift (bequest) of money (in consultation with your legal and financial specialists):

        “I hereby give a bequest of $________ to…[see table below]”

Suggested language for a gift of the residue (i.e., remainder) of the donor’s estate:

        “I hereby give the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate to…[see table below]”

Contribute To

Suggested Language to Include In Your Planned Giving Documents


Adidam Ruchiradam Fund

“…to the Avataric Samrajya of Adidam USA (EIN: 83-3826335) to be added to the Adidam Ruchiradam Fund.”

The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam USA
P.O. Box 357
Trinidad, CA, USA 95570

Adidam Ruchiradam Endowment

“…to the Avataric Samrajya of Adidam USA (EIN: 83-3826335) to be added to the Adidam Ruchiradam Endowment.”

The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam USA
P.O. Box 357
Trinidad, CA, USA 95570

Adidam Ruchiradam Property LLC

“…to the Adidam Ruchiradam Property LLC (EIN: 83-3826335).” [NOTE: the Adidam Ruchiradam Property LLC uses the same EIN as the Avataric Samrajya of Adidam USA]

The Adidam Ruchiradam Property LLC
P.O. Box 357
Trinidad, CA, USA 95570

Adidam Holy Samrajya

“…to the Avataric Samrajya of Adidam USA (EIN: 83-3826335) to be used for its general charitable purposes.”

The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam USA
P.O. Box 357
Trinidad, CA, USA 95570

Adidam Holy Domains

“…to the Divine Avataric Holy Domains of Adidam Ruchiradam (EIN: 95-2819458) to be used for its general charitable purposes.”

Adidam Holy Domains, Attn: Fiscal Office
12040 North Seigler Springs Road
Middletown, CA, USA 95461

Adi Da Foundation

“…to the Adi Da Foundation (EIN: 37-1745465), to be used for its general charitable purposes.”

The Adi Da Foundation
3301 West Fullerton Ave.
Chicago, IL, USA 60647

Adidam Holy Institution

“…to the Divine Avataric Holy Institution of Global Adidam Ruchiradam (EIN: 20-0330468), to be used for its general charitable purposes.”

The Adidam Holy Institution
P.O. Box 70
Lower Lake, CA, USA 95457


The beneficiary organizations above do not provide tax, legal or financial advice. Before finalizing your planned gifts and beneficiaries in your planned giving documents, please consult with your legal and financial specialists, as some gifts may have unforeseen tax and estate settlement consequences.


Please review the Gift Acceptance Guidelines. For more information about planned gifting opportunities, or to discuss your planned gifting with a representative, please contact the Samrajya Patronage Development Office.

NOTE: Please consult with your legal and financial specialists regarding your gift planning. Some gifts may have unforeseen tax and estate settlement consequences. No beneficiary entity named in this website can be held liable or take responsibility for unforeseen negative tax or estate settlement consequences.